Team Fortress 2: Cascade


Role: Level designer
Employment duration: 1 Month
Company: HKU (school assignment)
Engine: Hammer editor
Achievements & Awards: Playable within Team Fortress 2


The multiplayer map called Cascade was made for Team Fortress 2 using the Hammer editor.
The map includes passages usable by all characters, and specific characters (sometimes only using their abilities).
The goal of the map is a simple capture the flag, but the positioning of the spawn points and the flag itself creates a constant dynamic of chasing and running with a high intensity. Overall the players offline and online responded with joy after playing the map.


  • Designed the layout.
  • Made the level blockout.
  • Added environmental details and waypoints.
  • Added items, pickups and hazards.
  • Playtested and made sure the map was balanced and entertaining.


Initial sketch:
